Source code for lifefit.tcspc

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Fit lifetime decays

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import os
import argparse
import re
from uncertainties import ufloat
import json


package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]def parseCmd(): """ Parse the command line to get the experimental decay and instrument reponse function (IRF) file. Returns ------- fluor_file : str filename of the fluorescence decay irf_file : str filename of the IRF (if None then the IRF is approximated by a Gaussian) """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Fit a series of exponential decays to an ') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + str(VERSION)) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--fluor', help='fluorescence decay file (.txt / .dat)', required=True) parser.add_argument('-i', '--irf', help='Instrument response function (IRF) file (.txt / .dat)', required=False, default=None) parser.add_argument('-g', '--gauss', help='Use Gaussian IRF', required=False, default=True) args = parser.parse_args() fluor_file = args.fluor irf_file = args.irf return fluor_file, irf_file
[docs]def read_decay(filepath_or_buffer, fileformat='Horiba'): """ Read TCSPC decay file from HORIBA or another data format Parameters ---------- filepath_or_buffer : str, os.PathLike, StringIO filename of the decay or StringIO object fileformat : str, optional currently implemented formats: {'HORIBA'} Returns ------- decay_data : ndarray n x 2 decay containing numbered channels and intensity counts for instrument response function (IRF) ns_per_chan : float """ if isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, str): with open(filepath_or_buffer, 'r') as decay_file: decay_data, ns_per_chan = parse_file(decay_file) else: decay_data, ns_per_chan = parse_file(filepath_or_buffer, fileformat) return decay_data, ns_per_chan
[docs]def parse_file(decay_file, fileformat='Horiba'): """ Parse the decay file Parameters ---------- decay_file : StringIO fileformat : str, optional currently implemented formats: {'HORIBA'} Returns ------- decay_data : ndarray n x 2 decay containing numbered channels and intensity counts for instrument reponse function (IRF) ns_per_chan : float """ if fileformat.lower() == 'horiba': for i, line in enumerate(decay_file): if 'Time' in line: time_found ='\\d+\\.?\\d*E?-?\\d*', line) if 'Chan' in line: headerlines = i + 1 break try: ns_per_chan = float( except (AttributeError, NameError): print('Timestep not defined') ns_per_chan = None try: decay_data = np.loadtxt(decay_file, skiprows=0, dtype='int') except NameError: print('Number of headerlines not defined') decay_data = None elif fileformat == 'customName': # implement custom file reader here # make sure to define the following variables: # ns_per_chan = ... # headerlines = ... # decay_data = ... pass else: raise ValueError('The specified format is not available. You may define your own format in the `read_decay` function') return decay_data, ns_per_chan
[docs]def fit(fun, x_data, y_data, p0, bounds=([0, 0, 0], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]), sigma=None): """ Wrapper for the curve_fit function of the scipy.optimize module The curve_fit optimizes the decay parameters (tau1, tau2, etc.) while the nnls weights the exponential decays. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The model function f(x,...) taking x values as a first argument followed by the function parameters x_data : array_like array of the independent variable y_data : array_like array of the dependent variable p0 : array_like start values for the fit model bounds : 2-tuple of float or 2-tuple of array_like, optional lower and upper bounds for each parameter in p0. Can be either a tuple of two scalars (same bound for all parameters) or a tuple of array_like with the same length as p0. To deactivate parameter bounds set: `bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf)` sigma : array_like, optional uncertainty of the decay (same length as y_data) Returns ------- p : ndarray optimized fit parameters p_std : ndarray standard deviation of optimized fit parameters """ p, cov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(fun, x_data, y_data, p0, bounds=bounds, sigma=sigma) p_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) return p, p_std
[docs]class Lifetime: """ Create lifetime class Parameters ---------- fluor_decay : ndarray n x 2 array containing numbered channels and intensity counts of the fluorescence decay fluor_ns_per_chan : float nanoseconds per channel irf_decay : ndarray, optional n x 2 array containing numbered channels and intensity counts for instrument reponse function (IRF). If `None`, then IRF is approximated by a Gaussian Attributes ---------- ns_per_chan : float nanoseconds per channel fluor : ndarray n x 4 array containing time, channel number, intensity counts and associated Poissonian weights of the fluorescence decay irf : ndarray n x 3 array containing time, channel number and intensity counts of the IRF irf_type : str type of IRF: {'Gaussian', 'experimental'} fit_param : ndarray fit_param_std : ndarray Example ------- >>> fluor, fluor_nsperchan = lf.tcspc.read_decay(pathToFluorDecay) >>> irf, irf_nsperchan = lf.tcspc.read_decay(pathToIRF) >>> lf.tcspc.Lifetime(fluor, fluor_nsperchan, irf) """ def __init__(self, fluor_decay, fluor_ns_per_chan, irf_decay=None, gauss_sigma=None, gauss_amp=None, shift_time=False): # compute Poisson weights self.ns_per_chan = fluor_ns_per_chan time = self._get_time(fluor_decay[:, 0], fluor_ns_per_chan) if shift_time: time = self._shift_time(time, fluor_decay[:, 1]) weights = self._get_weights(fluor_decay[:, 1]) self.fluor = np.hstack((time, fluor_decay, weights)) if irf_decay is None: if gauss_sigma is None: self.gauss_sigma = 0.01 else: self.gauss_sigma = gauss_sigma if gauss_amp is None: self.gauss_amp = np.max(fluor_decay[:, 1]) else: self.gauss_amp = gauss_amp laser_pulse_time = self.fluor[np.argmax(self.fluor[:, 2]), 0] irf = self.gauss_irf(self.fluor[:, 0], laser_pulse_time, self.gauss_sigma, self.gauss_amp) self.irf = np.hstack((self.fluor[:, 0:2], np.array(irf, ndmin=2).T)) self.irf_type = 'Gaussian' else: time = self._get_time(irf_decay[:, 0], fluor_ns_per_chan) if shift_time: time = self._shift_time(time, fluor_decay[:, 1]) self.irf = np.hstack((time, irf_decay)) self.irf_type = 'experimental' self.fit_param = None self.fit_param_std = None self.fit_y = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_filenames(cls, fluor_file, irf_file=None, fileformat='HORIBA', gauss_sigma=None, gauss_amp=None, shift_time=False): """ Alternative constructor for the Lifetime class by reading in filename for the fluorophore and IRF decay Parameters ---------- fluor_file : str filename of the fluorophore decay irf_file : str filename of the IRF decay fileformat : str, optional currently implemented formats: {'HORIBA'} Example -------- >>> lf.tcspc.Lifetime.from_filenames(pathToFluorDecay, pathToIRFDecay) """ fluor_decay, ns_per_chan = read_decay(fluor_file, fileformat='HORIBA') if irf_file: irf_decay, _ = read_decay(irf_file, fileformat='HORIBA') else: irf_decay = None return cls(fluor_decay, ns_per_chan, irf_decay, gauss_sigma, gauss_amp, shift_time)
@staticmethod def _get_time(channel, fluor_ns_per_chan): """ Convert channel to time bins Parameters ---------- channel : array_like array of channel bins fluor_ns_per_chan = float nanoseconds per channel bin Returns ------- time : ndarray array pf time bins """ time = np.array(channel * fluor_ns_per_chan, ndmin=2).T.round(3) return time @staticmethod def _shift_time(time, decay): """ Shift time point 0 to the maximum of the decay Parameters ---------- time : array_like array pf time bins decay : array_like array of intensity values (counts) of the decay Returns ------- time : ndarray array pf time bins """ return time - time[np.argmax(decay)] @staticmethod def _get_weights(decay, bg=1): """ Compute Poissonian weights Parameters ---------- decay : array_like array of intensity values (counts) of the decay bg : int, optional background count Returns ------- weights: ndarray array of Poissonian weights of the decay points """ weights = np.array(1 / np.sqrt(decay + bg), ndmin=2).T.round(3) return weights
[docs] @staticmethod def gauss_irf(time, mu, sigma=0.01, A=10000): """ Calculate a Gaussian-shaped instrument response function (IRF) Parameters ---------- time : ndarray time bins mu : float mean of the Gaussian distribution sigma : float, optional standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution A : float, optional amplitude of the Gaussian distribution Returns ------- irf : ndarray Gaussian shaped instrument response function (IRF) """ irf = A * np.exp(-(time - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)).T return irf
[docs] @staticmethod def convolution(irf, sgl_exp): """ Compute convolution of irf with a single exponential decay Parameters ---------- irf : array_like intensity counts of the instrument reponse function (experimental of Gaussian shaped) sgl_exp : array_like single-exponential decay Returns ------- convolved : ndarray convoluted signal of IRF and exponential decay """ exp_fft = np.fft.fft(sgl_exp) irf_fft = np.fft.fft(irf) convolved = np.real(np.fft.ifft(exp_fft * irf_fft)) return convolved
[docs] @staticmethod def exp_decay(time, tau): """ Create a single-exponential decay Parameters ---------- time : array_like time bins tau : float fluorescence lifetime Returns ------- sgl_exp : array_like single-exponential decay """ sgl_exp = np.exp(-time / tau) return sgl_exp
[docs] def nnls_convol_irfexp(self, x_data, p0): """ Solve non-negative least squares for series of IRF-convolved single-exponential decays. First, the IRF is shifted, then convolved with each exponential decay individually (decays 1,...,n), merged into an m x n array (=A) and finally plugged into scipy.optimize.nnls(A, experimental y-data) to compute `argmin_x || Ax - y ||_2`. This optimizes the relative weight of the exponential decays whereas the curve_fit function optimizes the decay parameters (tau1, taus2, etc.) Parameters ---------- x_data : array_like array of the independent variable p0 : array_like start values for the fit model Returns ------- A : ndarray matrix containing irf-convoluted single-exponential decays in the first n columns and ones in the last column (background counts) x : ndarray vector that minimizes `|| Ax - y ||_2` y : ndarray fit vector computed as `y = Ax` """ irf = self._irf_scaleshift(self.irf[:, 1], self.irf[:, 2], p0[0]) decays = [] tau0 = p0[1:] for t in tau0: decays.append(self.convolution(irf, self.exp_decay(x_data, t))) decays.append([1] * len(x_data)) A = np.array(decays).T x, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(A, self.fluor[:, 2]) y =, np.array(x)) return A, x, y
def _model_func(self, x_data, *p0): """ Wrapper function for tcspc.nnls_irfshift_convol Parameters ---------- x_data : array_like array of the independent variable p0 : array_like start values for the fit model See also -------- nnls_convol_irfexp : Calculate non-linear least squares of IRF-convolved single-exponential decays Returns ------- y : ndarray fit vector computed as `y = Ax` """ A, x, y = self.nnls_convol_irfexp(x_data, p0) return y @staticmethod def _irf_scaleshift(channel, irf, irf_shift): """ Shift IRF by n-channels (n = irf_shift) Parameters ---------- channel : array_like array of channel bins irf : array_like intensity counts of the instrument reponse function (experimental of Gaussian shaped) irf_shift : int shift of the IRF on the time axis (in channel units) Returns ------- irf_shifted : array_like time-shifted IRF References ---------- .. [2] J. Enderlein, *Optics Communications* **1997** """ n = len(irf) # adapted from tcspcfit (J. Enderlein) irf_shifted = (1 - irf_shift + np.floor(irf_shift)) * irf[np.fmod(np.fmod(channel - np.floor(irf_shift) - 1, n) + n, n).astype(int)] + (irf_shift - np.floor(irf_shift)) * irf[np.fmod(np.fmod(channel - np.ceil(irf_shift) - 1, n) + n, n).astype(int)] return irf_shifted
[docs] @staticmethod def average_lifetime(a, tau_val, tau_std): """ Calculate average lifetime according to [1]_ Parameters ---------- a : array_like weighting factors of tau tau_val : array_like fluorescence lifetimes tau_std : array_like standard deviation of the fluorescence lifetimes Returns ------- av_lt : tuple average lifetime and associated standard deviation References ---------- .. [1] J. Lakowicz, *Principles of Fluorescence*, 3rd ed., Springer, **2010**. """ tau = np.array([ufloat(val, std) for val, std in zip(tau_val, tau_std)]) av_lt = sum(a * tau**2) / sum(a * tau) return av_lt.n, av_lt.s
[docs] def reconvolution_fit(self, tau0=[1], tau_bounds=(0, np.inf), irf_shift=0, sigma=None, verbose=True): """ Fit the experimental lifetime decay to a series of exponentials via interative reconvolution with the instrument reponse function (IRF). Parameters ---------- tau0 : int or array_like start value(s) of the fluorescence lifetime(s) tau_bounds : 2-tuple of float or 2-tuple of array_like, optional lower and upper bounds for each parameter in tau0. Can be either a tuple of two scalars (same bound for all parameters) or a tuple of array_like with the same length as tau0. To deactivate parameter bounds set: `bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf)` irf_shift : int, optional shift of the IRF on the time axis (in channel units) sigma : array_like , optional uncertainty of the decay (same length as y_data) verbose : bool, optional print lifetime fit result Example ------- >>> obj.reconvolution_fit([1,5]) """ if type(tau0) is int or type(tau0) is float: tau0 = [tau0] n_param = len(tau0) p0 = [irf_shift, *[t0 / self.ns_per_chan for t0 in tau0]] shift_bounds = [-np.inf, np.inf] bounds = [] for i in range(2): if type(tau_bounds[i]) is int or type(tau_bounds[i]) is float: bounds.append([shift_bounds[i], *[tau_bounds[i] / self.ns_per_chan] * n_param]) # if bounds are specified as int/floats, i.e the same for all taus else: bounds.append([shift_bounds[i], *[tb / self.ns_per_chan for tb in tau_bounds[i]]]) # if bounds are specified as arrays, i.e individual for each tau p, p_std = fit(self._model_func, self.fluor[:, 1], self.fluor[:, 2], p0, bounds=bounds, sigma=sigma) A, x, self.fit_y = self.nnls_convol_irfexp(self.fluor[:, 1], p) self.fit_y = self.fit_y.round(0).astype('int') ampl = x[:-1] / sum(x[:-1]) offset = x[-1] irf_shift = p[0] * self.ns_per_chan tau = p[1:] * self.ns_per_chan tau_std = p_std[1:] * self.ns_per_chan irf_shift_std = p_std[0] * self.ns_per_chan self.fit_param = {'ampl': ampl, 'offset': offset, 'irf_shift': irf_shift, 'tau': tau} self.fit_param_std = {'tau': tau_std, 'irf_shift': irf_shift_std} self.av_lifetime, self.av_lifetime_std = self.average_lifetime(ampl, tau, tau_std) if verbose: print('=======================================') print('Reconvolution fit with {} IRF'.format(self.irf_type)) for i, (t, t_std, a) in enumerate(zip(tau, tau_std, ampl)): print('tau{:d}: {:0.2f} ± {:0.2f} ns ({:0.0f}%)'.format(i, t, t_std, a * 100)) print('mean tau: {:0.2f} ± {:0.2f} ns'.format(self.av_lifetime, self.av_lifetime_std)) print('') print('irf shift: {:0.2f} ns'.format(irf_shift)) print('offset: {:0.0f} counts'.format(offset)) print('=======================================')
[docs] def export(self, filename): data, parameters = self._serialize() with open('{}_{}.json'.format(filename.split('.', 1)[0], 'data'), 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) with open('{}_{}.json'.format(filename.split('.', 1)[0], 'parameters'), 'w') as f: json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
def _serialize(self): data = {} try: data['time'] = list(self.fluor[:, 0].astype('float')) data['irf_counts'] = list(self.irf[:, 2].astype('int')) data['fluor_counts'] = list(self.fluor[:, 2].astype('int')) data['fit_counts'] = list(self.fit_y.astype('int')) data['residuals'] = list(self.fluor[:, 2].astype('int') - self.fit_y.astype('int')) except TypeError: print('Data is not complete. Please refit') else: parameters = {} parameters['irf_type'] = self.irf_type for i, (t, t_std, a) in enumerate(zip(self.fit_param['tau'], self.fit_param_std['tau'], self.fit_param['ampl'])): parameters['tau{:d}'.format(i)] = {'units': 'ns', 'value': round(t, 2), 'error': round(t_std, 2), 'fraction': round(a, 2)} parameters['mean_tau'] = {'units': 'ns', 'value': round(self.av_lifetime, 2), 'error': round(self.av_lifetime_std, 2)} parameters['irf_shift'] = {'units': 'ns', 'value': round(self.fit_param['irf_shift'], 2)} parameters['offset'] = {'units': 'counts', 'value': round(self.fit_param['offset'], 0)} return data, parameters
[docs]class Anisotropy: """ Create an Anisotropy object with four polarization resolved lifetime decays Parameters ---------- VV : ndarray vertical excitation - vertical emission VH : ndarray vertical excitation - horizontal emission HV : ndarray horizontal excitation - vertical emission HH : ndarray horizontal excitation - horizontal emission Example -------- >>> lf.tcspc.Anisotropy(decay['VV'], decay['VH'], decay['HV'],decay['HH']) """ def __init__(self, VV, VH, HV, HH): self.VV = VV self.VH = VH self.HV = HV self.HH = HH self.G = self.G_factor(self.HV.fluor[:, 2], self.HH.fluor[:, 2]) self.raw_r = self.aniso_decay(self.VV.fluor[:, 2], self.VH.fluor[:, 2], self.G) self.raw_time = self.VV.fluor[:, 0]
[docs] @staticmethod def aniso_decay(VV, VH, G): """ Parameters ---------- VV : ndarray vertical excitation - vertical emission VH : ndarray vertical excitation - horizontal emission G : float G-factor Returns ------- r: ndarray anisotropy decay Notes ----- The anisotropy decay is calculated from the parallel and perpendicular lifetime decays as follows: .. math:: r(t) = \\frac{I_\\text{VV} - GI_\\text{VH}}{I_\\text{VV} + 2GI_\\text{VH}} """ r = np.array([(vv - G * vh) / (vv + 2 * G * vh) if (vv != 0) & (vh != 0) else np.nan for vv, vh in zip(VV, VH)]).round(3) return r
[docs] @staticmethod def G_factor(HV, HH): """ Compute G-factor to correct for differences in transmittion effiency of the horizontal and vertical polarized light Parameters ---------- HV : ndarray horizontal excitation - vertical emission HH : ndarray horizontal excitation - horizontal emission Returns ------- G : float G-factor Notes ----- The G-factor is defined as follows: .. math:: G = \\frac{\\int HV}{\\int HH} """ G = sum(HV) / sum(HH) return G
[docs] @staticmethod def one_rotation(time, r0, tau): """ Single rotator model Parameters ---------- time : array_like time bins r0 : float fundamental anisotropy tau_r : float rotational correlation time Returns ------- ndarray two-rotation anisotropy decay """ return r0 * np.exp(-time / tau)
[docs] @staticmethod def two_rotations(time, r0, b, tau_r1, tau_r2): """ Two-rotator model Parameters ---------- time : array_like time bins r0 : float fundamental anisotropy b : float amplitude of second decay tau_r1 : float first rotational correlation time tau_r2 : float second rotational correlation time Returns ------- ndarray two-rotation anisotropy decay """ return r0 * np.exp(-time / tau_r1) + (r0 - b) * np.exp(-time / tau_r2)
[docs] @staticmethod def hindered_rotation(time, r0, tau_r, r_inf): """ Hindered rotation in-a-cone model Parameters ---------- time : array_like time bins r0 : float fundamental anisotropy tau_r : float rotational correlation time r_inf : float residual anisotropy at time->inf Returns ------- ndarray hindered rotation anisotropy decay """ return (r0 - r_inf) * np.exp(-time / tau_r) + r_inf
[docs] @staticmethod def local_global_rotation(time, r0, tau_rloc, r_inf, tau_rglob): """ Local-global rotation in-a-cone model Parameters ---------- time : array_like time bins r0 : float fundamental anisotropy tau_rloc : float local rotational correlation time r_inf : float residual anisotropy at time->inf tau_rglob : float global rotational correlation time Returns ------- ndarray local-global rotation anisotropy decay """ return ((r0 - r_inf) * np.exp(-time / tau_rloc) + r_inf) * np.exp(-time / tau_rglob)
def _aniso_fitinterval(self, r, ns_before_VVmax, signal_percentage): """ Determine interval for tail-fit of anisotropy decay. Outside of the fit interval the data is uncorrelated. Parameters ---------- r : array_like anisotropy decay ns_before_VVmax : float, optional how many nanoseconds before the maximum of the VV decay should the search for r0 start signal_percentage : float, optional percentage of the VV decay serving as a treshold to define the end of the anisotropy fit interval Returns ------- channel_start : int channel from where to start the tail fit channel_stop : int channel where the fit should end """ channel_VVmax = np.argmax(self.VV.fluor[:, 2]) channel_start = channel_VVmax - int(ns_before_VVmax / self.VV.ns_per_chan) channel_stop = channel_VVmax + np.argmax(self.VV.fluor[channel_VVmax:, 2] < signal_percentage * max(self.VV.fluor[:, 2])) channel_start = channel_start + np.argmax(r[channel_start:channel_stop]) return channel_start, channel_stop
[docs] def rotation_fit(self, p0=[0.4, 1], model='one_rotation', manual_interval=None, bounds=(0, np.inf), verbose=True, ns_before_VVmax=1, signal_percentage=0.01): """ Fit rotation model to anisotropy decay. Parameters ---------- p0 : array_like start values of the chosen anisotropy fit model model : str one of the following anisotropy models: {'one_rotation', 'two_rotations', 'hindered_rotation', 'local_global_rotation'} manual_interval : 2-tuple of float, optional bounds : 2-tuple of float or array_like lower and upper bounds for each parameter in p0. Can be either a tuple of two scalars (same bound for all parameters) or a tuple of array_like with the same length as p0. To deactivate parameter bounds set: `bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf)` verbose : bool print anisotropy fit result ns_before_VVmax : float, optional how many nanoseconds before the maximum of the VV decay should the search for r0 start signal_percentage : float, optional percentage of the VV decay serving as a treshold to define the end of the anisotropy fit interval Example -------- >>> obj.rotation_fit(p0=[0.4, 1, 10, 1], model='two_rotations') """ if model == 'two_rotations': aniso_fn = self.two_rotations elif model == 'hindered_rotation': aniso_fn = self.hindered_rotation elif model == 'local_global_rotation': aniso_fn = self.local_global_rotation else: aniso_fn = self.one_rotation self.model = model self.param_names = {'one_rotation': ['r0', 'tau_r'], 'two_rotations': ['r0', 'b', 'tau_r1', 'tau_r2'], 'hindered_rotation': ['r0', 'tau_r', 'rinf'], 'local_global_rotation': ['r0', 'tau_rloc', 'rinf', 'tau_rglob']} try: if not len(p0) == len(self.param_names[model]): raise ValueError except ValueError: print('Number of start parameters p0 is not consistent with the model \"{}\"'.format(model)) else: if manual_interval is None: self.VV.reconvolution_fit(verbose=False) self.VH.reconvolution_fit(verbose=False) _fit_raw_r = self.aniso_decay(self.VV.fit_y, self.VH.fit_y, self.G) start, stop = self._aniso_fitinterval(_fit_raw_r, ns_before_VVmax, signal_percentage) else: start, stop = (np.argmin(abs(self.VV.fluor[:, 0] - manual_interval[i])) for i in range(2)) self.time = self.raw_time[start:stop] - self.raw_time[start] self.r = self.raw_r[start:stop] self.fit_param, self.fit_param_std = fit(aniso_fn, self.time, self.r, p0, bounds=bounds) self.fit_r = aniso_fn(self.time, *self.fit_param) if verbose: print('====================') print('Anisotropy fit') print('model: {}'.format(self.model)) for i, p in enumerate(self.param_names[model]): if 'tau' in p: print('{}: {:0.2f} ± {:0.2f} ns'.format(p, self.fit_param[i], self.fit_param_std[i])) else: print('{}: {:0.2f} ± {:0.2f}'.format(p, self.fit_param[i], self.fit_param_std[i])) if self.model == 'local_global_rotation' or self.model == 'hindered_rotation': self.aniso_fraction = self._fraction_freeStacked(self.fit_param[0], self.fit_param[2]) print('free: {:0.0f}%, stacked: {:0.0f}%'.format(self.aniso_fraction[0] * 100, self.aniso_fraction[1] * 100)) print('====================')
@staticmethod def _fraction_freeStacked(r0, r_inf): """ Calculate the fraction of free and stacked dyes based on the residual anisotropy Parameters ---------- r0 : float r_inf : float Returns ------- weights : tuple fraction of free and stacked dye components """ w_free = (r0 - r_inf) / r0 w_stacked = 1 - w_free return (w_free, w_stacked)
[docs] def export(self, filename): """ Export the data and the fit parameters to a json file Parameters ---------- filename : str """ data, parameters = self._serialize() with open('{}_{}.json'.format(filename.split('.', 1)[0], 'data'), 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) with open('{}_{}.json'.format(filename.split('.', 1)[0], 'parameters'), 'w') as f: json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
def _serialize(self): """ Convert the numpy arrays to lists and package all data into a dictionary """ data = {} try: data['time'] = list(self.time) data['anisotropy'] = list(self.r) data['fit'] = list(self.fit_r) data['residuals'] = list(self.r - self.fit_r) except TypeError: print('Data is not complete. Please refit') else: parameters = {} parameters['model'] = self.model for i, p in enumerate(self.param_names[self.model]): if 'tau' in p: units = 'ns' else: units = None parameters[p] = {'units': units, 'value': round(self.fit_param[i], 2), 'error': round(self.fit_param_std[i], 2)} if self.model == 'local_global_rotation' or self.model == 'hindered_rotation': parameters['free'] = {'units': units, 'value': round(self.aniso_fraction[0], 2), 'error': None} parameters['stacked'] = {'units': units, 'value': round(self.aniso_fraction[1], 2), 'error': None} return data, parameters
if __name__ == "__main__": fluor_file, irf_file = parseCmd() fluor_data, fluor_nsperchan = read_decay(fluor_file) if irf_file is not None: irf_data = read_decay(irf_file) decay = Lifetime(fluor_data, fluor_nsperchan, irf_data) decay.reconvolution_fit([1, 10])